November 26, 2021: The second HASN grant cycle, focusing on spay and neuter accessibility awarded grants to 13 HASN partner rescues. These grant awards combined paid to spay or neuter 551 dogs and cats, and assist 33 low-income pet owners in impoverished and underserved communities throughout the state. This grant cycle was dedicated in loving remembrance of Brian Fiebig, a gentle and kind animal lover who left us much too soon.

The Organizations and Rescues that received HASN grants are:
Animal Resources of Tidewater
Appalachian Great Pyrenees Rescue
Dogs Deserve Better - Blue Ridge
Friends of Russell County
Furever Friends Lodge
Garfield's Rescue
Highland County Humane Society
Prince William Animal Advocates
Richmond Ruff House
Salem's Light
Squishy Face Crew VA
Twin County Humane Society
Brian was passionate about all animals and his compassion for them was wonderful to experience. He loved them and they loved him right back. We're sure he would be so happy to know that so many pets were spayed or neutered meaning that many unwanted litters will never exist, never end up in shelters, and never be euthanized in his memory.
These 13 small animal rescue organizations work tirelessly in their communities to help sick and injured pets heal, homeless pets find forever homes, and impoverished pet owners with the most basic needs and supplies thereby keeping pets in their homes. Over 470 pets were helped over the last 6 months by our HASN grants and with your help, just imagine the extraordinary things we can accomplish.