Criteria for P.A.W.S. Fund Emegency Grant Requests
The following policies and procedures are meant to identify incidents and items that are covered by the Prince William Humane Society Poor Animals Welfare and Surgical (P.A.W.S.) Fund and itemize the criteria and procedures required for the consideration and approval of each requested grant.
The P.A.W.S. Fund has been established to assist homeless animals in need of medical services and treatments in emergency and non-emergency cases. Each case will be considered separately and by the P.A.W.S. Fund Committee which consists of at least three individuals and includes at least 1 board member and 1 P.A.W.S. Fund Committee registered veterinarian.
P.A.W.S. Fund Case Qualifications
Only eligible animals shall be accepted for coverage through the P.A.W.S. Fund. Eligibility is as follows:
Pets that are in the custody of a “HASN Affiliate Partner” of P.W. Humane Society or municipal shelter
Pets that have diseases or ailments that can be treated allowing the pet to become adoptable
Pets that are strays to the Shelter and require critical care as determined by the Shelter veterinarian
Pets owned by low-income pet owners that have requested financial assistance for their pet and the "Partner" has determined that the pet owner is in need of requested assistance
Pets who are considered behaviorally sound enough to become adopted once treated
A P.A.W.S. Fund Emergency Grant Request must be submitted
For Municipal Shelters: A copy of the Animal Custody Record, any and all medical history, case history, reason for pet release, and initial evaluation by either an owner’s veterinarian or Shelter veterinarian shall be emailed to the P.A.W.S. Fund.
All P.A.W.S. Fund requests shall be evaluated by the P.A.W.S. Fund veterinarian who will then consult with the P.A.W.S. Committee. Based upon that evaluation, the P.A.W.S. Committee reserves the right to approve or deny payment for treatment.
Affiliate Partners agree to assist and participate in raising funds and accepting donations for the P.A.W.S. Fund through appeals & campaigns on their Social Media pages and shared with PWHS. Affiliate partners will be responsible for 20% of the medical fees unless other arrangements have been approved.
All P.A.W.S. Fund case fees will be paid directly to the veterinary facility and not to the rescue or Shelter unless otherwise approved,
P.A.W.S. Fund Request Policies and Procedures
Affiliate Partner organizations agree to identify and negotiate with local veterinarians to obtain the best pricing for the procedures needed. Example: ACL surgery can be done by a local vet, VA Tech Animal Clinic, a discount veterinary surgical center, or other vet clinics/hospitals depending on the fees charged.
Any follow-up care not performed by the treating veterinarian shall be administered by an approved veterinary facility or the Shelter veterinarian.
Reimbursement of any other medical costs incurred at non-registered or approved veterinary facilities may not be covered by the P.A.W.S. Fund and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
In the case of an emergency, any pet that is deemed “critical” can be evaluated immediately IF and ONLY IF a P.A.W.S. Committee member can be reached and approve the emergency request.
Emergencies are defined as
Hit by a car and initial evaluation shows more damage than just abrasions or broken legs/jaws
Critically ill such as severe anemia, severe infections, diabetic ketoacidosis, pancreatitis, jaundice, severe dehydration (unless caused by end-stage kidney failure or cancer), heat stroke, severe active bleeding, severe dog fight wounds (complete chest punctures, jugular injuries, large amount of blood loss), pyometra, C-sections, or Bloat
Non-emergency intakes must follow the guidelines set forth for consideration of a grant.
Patients shall be stabilized and housed appropriately until the Intake Request has been submitted for approval by the rescue or Shelter veterinarian.
Once the Request is approved, the Rescue/Shelter shall transport the pet to the approved facility for treatment.
The Affiliate Partner agrees that once adopted, the new owner bears the responsibility for the cost of any ongoing or future medical costs and P.W.H.S. has no further financial obligation for that pet.
Any funds received by P.W.H.S. on behalf of a PAWS Fund Appeal shall be deposited to the P.A.W.S. Fund for use on any medical case.