
Above all, we are animal lovers and protectors.
We began our mission in Oct. 2012 as a non-profit fundraising organization dedicated to saving lives and advocating for homeless animals in Prince William County and have expanded our mission to help other small animal rescue organizations throughout the State of Virginia. We support our various programs through individual donations, business sponsorship, and virtual and online fundraising events.
Homeless Animals Support Network:
The Prince William Humane Society is partnering with shelters and small rescues in the State of Virginia to further the no-kill Virginia vision and save the state's most vulnerable animals. The Homeless Animals Support Network by PWHS offers grants to partner organizations that are doing amazing work in their areas and demonstrate the financial need for assistance. Grant funding assists with Spay/Neuter programs, Human/Animal Bond programs, and other pertinent issues in the animal welfare community. HASN by PWHS believes that by expanding our mission to help small rescues that may not otherwise receive financial assistance, we will be improving pets living situations, saving more lives, and reducing euthanasia throughout the state.
HASN by PWHS promotes spaying and neutering of all pets in an effort to reduce the unwanted birth rate and eliminate euthanasia. We strive to educate the public on animal welfare issues and promote humane actions and attitudes towards all living things.
HASN Programs provide support to communities all over the state of Virginia. Learn more!
We are a volunteer non-profit organization made up of dedicated animal advocates and talented people who come together to combine our skills and passion to accomplish magnificent transformations for pets and pet lovers in Virginia.
We welcome all who are interested in aiding in this mission and are grateful for their time, resources, and donations to help animals.